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Dr Judi Newman - Leaders are brain changers

  • 18 Nov 2023
  • 10:00 - 11:30
  • Zoom Webinar


  • Members will receive an email link to the webinar event the week of 15 May 2023.

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Dr. Judi Newman, PhD is the Director of The Academy of Organisational Neuroscience Australia and is an expert in applied neuroscience, a field of study that takes the latest in social cognitive neuroscience research and applies it to leadership, motivation, learning and influence.  Her mission is to boost influence through strengthening leadership capacity and learning impact, for high performance learning cultures through a neuroscience lens by sharing evidence-based practice.

Specifically, her work is focussed on working with school principals and corporate leaders to establish brainwise schools or companies to build high performance teams who view themselves as leaders. Her unique approach, combining what we know from psychology, education and neuroscience can give your organisation the edge and is evident in her academic research and work background across these three areas.

She is the only consultant in Australia that has a PhD in social applied neuroscience, is a former high school principal with over thirty years of experience in education, a masters in learning management, has worked as a full time executive leadership coach and additionally, has a psychology background. Judi has written four books and is currently writing a leadership book. Judi’s PhD research won the Paul Andersen Research Prize for the most outstanding result for a thesis in the university’s academic year in 2022.

Currently, Judi is writing university curriculum around neuroeducation, trains executives in brain based coaching, supervisors research students, presents keynotes at conferences and runs training workshops and webinars for The Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL), the military, Central Queensland University, Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, Institute of Organisational Neuroscience (ION), Californian State University, 24 schools across Australia and 24 industry corporations.


Organisations around the world are discovering neuroscience as the research base for future-orientated success. Through neuroimaging technology, we now have a deeper understanding of how the brain functions, shedding light on behaviour, motivation, learning and memory, providing insight into evidence based leadership practices. This webinar summarises the foundation of applied social neuroscience and that is, what transpires in a personal interaction between leader and team member (or trainer/teacher and trainee/student) that impacts on motivation levels to engage at our best performance.  Explore how to strengthen your influence as a leader to improve learning uptake and bring about behaviour change through a neuroscience lens. Discover why emotion can’t be separated from decision making, what happens in the brain during unwelcome change, what cognitive bias means for leadership impact, how the brain thinks in expectation and what this means for leading teams. Reflect on your own leadership style and approach, based on the 12 Leadership Attributes that build trust, rapport and growth and the 10 motivational triggers.  

Join Dr Judi Newman as she shares her research and practice and explores answers to these burning questions with practical strategies and tools to implement immediately and much more.

  • How does a leader prime conversational chemistry?
  • Why is distrust the default of the lower regions of the brain?
  • What are the three questions we ask ourselves when we interact with someone that effects our behaviour?
  • What leadership behaviours trigger defensiveness and resistance?
  • What is the most powerful leadership strategy for building other leaders around you?
  • Why are leadership behaviours brain based but not always brain wise?
  • How does the brain learn best?
  • Why do you forget what you came into a room for?
  • When you buy a new car, why do you then see them everywhere?

Audience: Corporate CEOs, Professionals, School leaders and teachers, trainers, coaches, and anyone interested in applied social neuroscience.

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